The Bay Area Public is contacting our network of friends to let you know about our present financial situation, and ask for your support to keep this wonderful project going.
Bay Area Public School has offered hundreds of free classes and events
since we began in 2012, and we have provided a much-needed space for
community gathering and organizing, first at 2141 Broadway and now at
the Omni Commons (,
which we helped to found. We're also proud to host some of the most
important public intellectuals of our time -- people like Fred Moten,
Silvia Federici and Frank Wilderson -- in public forums that are totally
free of charge.
achieved all this through a pioneering community-supported financial
structure, according to which 50 people paying $20 a month would make
our monthly rent & expenses totalling $1000. We never quite had
fifty supporters, but we've kept the doors open for three years running,
which is pretty incredible.
with the transition to the Omni have come new challenges, most
particularly financial challenges! We were previously responsible for
$1000 a month, but with the unexpected expenses attached to the Omni we
have now committed to $1500 a month.
can still pay this expense with community support & help sustain
both the Public School and the Omni, but we need your help! Right now
there are 37 people who have committed to sustain the School with a
repeating monthly donation of $20. If 75 people would make this
commitment, we'd never have to send another email like this.
you please consider a monthly $20 sustaining commitment to the Public
School? It's super-simple -- all you have to do is go to,
click the button on the right that says "Donate to Bay Area Public
School," fill in $20 (or whatever recurring donation you'd like to
make), and check the box that says "I want to make this a recurring
donation". Then fill in the payment information & that's it!
are so proud of what this project has accomplished to date and we know
it has a bright future ahead of it, but it can only have that future if
we come together as a community to make it happen.
you so much for reading this letter -- please let us know if you have
any questions, and thank you so much for your continued support of the
Bay Area Public School!
Love & solidarity -- Publia Pigeon