15 March 2015

Further Other Book Works Broadsides!

Our friends at Further Other Book Works has just produced these INCREDIBLE broadsides as a fundraiser for their forthcoming Helen Adams artist book. These feature unpublished poems by Jack Spicer, designed by Norma Cole, Kevin Killian, Paul Klinger, and Kyle Schlesinger. These are a must, obviously. Buy here please.

11 March 2015

House-Scrub, or After Porn

This is the cover of Rob Halpern's new pamphlet "House-Scrub, or After Porn," which represents a tiny section from his forthcoming Common Place (Ugly Duckling, soon?), beautifully produced as a solo, large-format number by Margaret Tedesco (who is responsible for the beautiful design work for many (maybe most) of the newest Nightboat books). These probably won't be around for long, so pick one directly from Margaret by clicking here.

And while we're on the subject, Sianne Ngai just published a killer essay on Rob's work called "Visceral Abstractions" for GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies. Check out the abstract here, and if you're really interested, I may be able to direct you to the full article if  you send an email...

09 March 2015

Selcer and Durback for Double Burst

New work from local powerhouses Lara Durback and Anne Lesley Selcer thanks to Stephen Novotny. I'm not sure if this series is still called Double Burst, but it is out in the world (and soon available as PDF here). First two pages are ALS; the final two are LD.

04 March 2015

The Louder the Room the Darker the Screen

Paul Ebenkamp's 'The Louder the Room the Darker the Screen' Media Statement from Timeless, Infinite Light on Vimeo.

This book is going to be so, so dope. Another big win for Timeless, Infinite Light. I took a peek at the proofs last week, and this might already be my vote for book of the year. It promises to slay. And also, just FYI, there is a very good chance that Paul and I (and maybe Ted Rees and maybe Stephen Novotny) are now in a band called Scythe Mouth. So, trademark or whatever. There will probably not be music, but there will certainly be t-shirts.

Also, I should mention that there are pre-order goodies if you buy the book now: check it out here.

03 March 2015

Laura Kilbride's In the Square

Whoa! This is the best thing I've read in forever. 1K lines of super dense, concise and beautifully labored writing. Totally essential and perfectly produced by Rich Owens' always on point Punch Press. I don't know much about Kilbride besides that she's my new favorite poet, and she lives in the U.K. I think Marianne Morris also printed something of her's with Morris's Bad Press (but I've never seen it). In short, get it (and everything else from Punch Press) here.