Thanks Stephen Novotny for the video of Robert's launch above. Enjoy!
And don't forget to join us this evening (Monday, 11/25) for Robert's last Bay Area apprearance of the season:
The Bay Area Public School
2141 Broadway, Oakland
Mon. 11/25 7pm
Here's Robert's description of the event:
I’d like to discuss these two concerns particularly as possible implementations, as a way of proposing further focused collaboration.
law as creative writing along with shared productivity as poetry medium
What’s the best way to provide goods and services directly to the greatest needs? What should the labor share of national income be? Should the finance industry be turned into a public utility? As deprivation of liberty and property, isn’t a nonliving wage unconstitutional? By posing a national security threat, was not the risk taken by investment banks with depositor funds a revolt against civil authority (and therefore unconstitutional)? Is money the commons misconstrued? Should specific conditions be attached to our basic income guarantee? This is a call to collectively research, write and pursue the enactment of model legislation, resolutions, ordinances, bills and initiatives in favor of an all-inclusive economy. We could at least begin to write the book on banking, corporate and finance law for poets.
the missing artscience of prosody (untended poet-province?)
What constitutes prosody? What does prosody constitute? We’d be staring blankly at each other without it. It is the link, by the way, between physics and biology. Bodies formed around the ways in which we’d express ourselves. Does morphology follow prosody? Why try to delineate the area of prosody (it may well be amorphous?) I’d like to discuss prosody as a way of gauging interest in creating an open access exchange, a web workspace, where anyone working with or wondering about prosody can post her or his impressions, papers or findings. More experientially, I would eventually like to set up a sort of lab or anechoic darkroom for carrying out qualitative and quantitative testing of the effects of tone, beat, frequency, silence, darkness, color and other prosodic phenomena on various bioprocesses. Of course, prosody is also, at any point, performable research. What could possibly be more practical, practicable? The ways in which this field organizes itself will necessarily be integral to what it is.