02 July 2010

Notebook Fridays: Thom Donovan

Here's a page from Thom's notebook; I've always really admired his handwriting! He says, "The page is a draft of a poem I was writing after Sharon Hayes' video installation, 'Parole,' featured in this years Whitney Biennial."

Here's some info about the Hayes piece: http://whitney.org/Exhibitions/2010Biennial/SharonHayes, and here's Hayes giving a lecture at the New York Public Library: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1hfHOWQu0M.

Not super easy to read, but maybe Thom will send the finished work when it's ready...?

1 comment:

  1. Here is a draft of the poem at Wild Horses Of Fire:


    Thanks for putting this stuff up, Michael!
