20 June 2012

The Feeling is Mutual

Sara Wintz, Stephen Novotny, and I have been working for a number of months on this little anthology to raise money for Small Press Traffic, one of the single most important literary organizations in the greater Bay Area. For the past 40 years (!!), Small Press Traffic has made supporting innovative writing in the Bay Area its mission, but it can't accomplish this goal without YOUR support.

As such, we decided to come up with a special gift to entice you to support the organization: The Feeling is Mutual: A List of Our Fucking Demands. If you believe SPT has earned your support, and you can find it in your heart to donate $10 (the price of lunch these days!), we'll send you this beautifully produced  (if I do say so myself!) anthology, edited by the great Sara Wintz. Up-and-comer Stephen Novotny designed the guts, and yours truly designed the covers (printed letterpress on the Heidelberg).

The contributors responded to the following prompt from the ever brilliant Mz. Wintz:

"+hey: what do you want?+

-a partner?
-a baby?
-an end to capitalism?
-a job that <3s you?
-a family that <3s you?
-free healthcare?
-student loan forgiveness?
-to be able to get married?
-a government that pays for art?
-an audience/readership?
-a bike?
-a chicken coop?

let's try to write it out, take a picture of it, draw a picture of it, journal about it... and then let's make a book out of our unique and special demands."
The list of contributors is pretty nuts so I won't list everyone here (there's something like 40 contributors in all!), but some of my favorite writers are represented, including folks like Jamie Townsend, Andrew Kenower, Zack Tuck, Lauren Levin, Dan Thomas Glass, Anne Lesley Selcer, David Buuck, Alana Seigel, Alli Warren, Paul Ebenkamp, Cassie Smith, and many, many others.

This is a GREAT WAY to support SPT from afar, too, so if you've personally read for SPT (but live elsewhere), or if you have fond memories of attending SPT events, please support the organization by picking one of these up! Ten bucks isn't going to kill you, but it will help us put together a killer season for 2013!

Click the button below and support your local literary organization!


  1. If you don't already have a copy of this, you are missing out!

  2. I love supporting organizations like Small Press Traffic and this anthology sounds fascinating.
