20 March 2014

Rich Owens, Boyd Nielson, and Scrutiny

If you're following the conversations post-post-post Poetry and Revolution in the UK (and the Poetry and/or Revolution conference here in the Bay Area last October)--notably the Joshua Clover / Keston Sutherland exchange at the Claudius App, along with Stephen Collis' response now up at ON--this dialogue between Boyd Nielson and Rich Owens is totally worth checking out. Supposedly, some folks found this exchange controversial; reading it again this morning, I'm not sure why (Owens' claim that "the best poetry...has always been sound bourgeois practice"?).

And Nielson, Owens, and Joe Ramsey have started a new talk series called "Scrutiny" at the Center for Marxist Education in Camrbidge, Mass. Josh Stanley's "Immortality in Public," which takes up Wordsworth and Keston Sutherland is the first installment, and it's already available to stream above. Find the Scrutiny website here


  1. That's funny: I was thinking the same thing this morning! I'm especially fond of Anne Lesley Selcer's piece for Open Space, and I loved Francesca Lisette's contribution at the Poetry and/or Revolution conference. But the public discussion has been totally dominated by men (surprise, surprise). Thom and I were recently discussing the possibility of an ON anthology that collects statements from women, viz. poetry and it's political efficacy. Any interest in helping us edit it?!
