01 July 2013

Chris Dunsmore, stopping place (edition of 85, 2012)

John Thorp, Stitch and hem and line and flight (edition of 50, 2013)

I was pleased and honored to receive these two incredible books from Chris Dunsmore and John Thorp, both of whom are poets currently living in Salt Lake City and both are (or were?) in the joint book arts / poetry MFA program at U. of Utah. These books are really something to behold in person. They make me want to return to the drawing board and simply start over. There's something about SLC that inspires these really sophisticated and minimalist approaches to design that are way more pleasing than most of the maximalist approaches of contemporary presses: deeply tactile, super intentional design ideas (that perfectly compliment the text). Someone is doing something right out there...If there's interest, I might be able to convince them to send some out...

1 comment:

  1. Lucky you, to have a copy of Thorp's book in hand. Would love to see it. Worked with him as an undergraduate--a true artist, I think (and I believe he brought that minimalist, sophisticated approach with him to SLC). The instinct for a writer to focus on book arts, have to respect and admire that. Thanks for sharing.
