29 December 2010

Favorite Things: Craig Dworkin

A dozen books I'm looking forward to reading in the new year:

Christian Bök: The Xenotext Experiment (currently in the laboratory)

Rob Fitterman: Now We Are Friends (NY: Truck Books, 2011)

Kenneth Goldsmith: Uncreative Writing (NY: Columbia University Press, 2011)

Lyn Hejinian and Carla Harryman: The Wide Road (NY: Belladonna, 2011)

Derek Henderson: [yet to be titled erasures of Ted Berrigan poems] (Manchester: if p then q, 2011)

Susan Howe: That This (NY: New Directions, 2011)

Peter Inman: Per Se (Providence: Burning Deck, 2011)

Joseph Massey: At the Point (Exeter: Shearsman, 2011)

David Melnick: Collected Writing, ed. Ben Friedlander, Jeffrey Jullich, & Ron Silliman (Cambridge: Salt, 2011)

Emily McVarish: A Thousand Several (NY: Granary Books, 2010)

Marjorie Perloff: Unoriginal Genius (Chicago: U. Chicago Press, 2010)

Vanessa Place: Die Dichtkunst (Rio de Janeiro: Ood Press, 2011)