10 January 2012

Favorite Things 2011: C.J. Martin

What made it possible for me to focus for extended periods in a very distracted, preoccupied 2011, in no particular order:

Susan Howe's That This & the most recent Grubbs collaboration, Frolic Architecture. They make that poem shockingly legible.

Howe's Pacifica Radio shows on PennSound, especially the interview w/Helen Adam.

Helen Adam's correspondence w/Robert Duncan.

Sarah Campbell's Words with Dürer (blog).

Norma Cole's 14000 Facts & To Be At Music.

Robert Gluck's Denny Smith.

Barbara Guest's Collected.

Larry Eigner's Collected.

Bruce Boone's Century of Clouds.

Duncan (variously, but this year esp. the HD Book & Caesar's Gate).

Jess's paste-ups.

The CUNY Documents series.

Beverly Dahlen's A Reading, as well as her 1st 3 books (so, her whole work).

The How(ever) online archive.

Susan Gevirtz's Aerodrome Orion & Starry Messenger.

DuPlessis's Pitch & The Collage Poems of Drafts.

Bergvall's Meddle English.

Your Haecceities, around which one of the most fruitful conversations I've had in a long time.

Thom Donovan's The Hole, Others Letters, & his unstoppable generosity.

The films of the Kuchar brothers.

Brenda Iijima remaking the question mark (in If Not Metamorphic), & her Glossamatics, Thus & Mondo Bummer pamphlet.

Ted Greenwald's Clearview/LIE. Also any audio of Ted reading his work.

Laura Moriarty's A Tonalist & Rondeaux.

Pam Rehm's The Larger Nature.

Lauren Levin's Keenan.


Mimeo Mimeo.

Leland Hickman's Tiresias.

Michelle Detorie's Fur Birds.

Dawn Pendergast's Off Flaw, Sea Quills & conversations w/Dawn & Paul Klinger re LRL & environs.

Dawn's LRL textile series, which is some of the most underpriced publishing I can think of. As a publisher, she's a fucking surgeon.

Ash Smith's Come Such Frequency & Tuesdays w/Ash & Rob O & Max.

Rob Halpern's person & (this year) his prose (the articulations of his music for porn project & his writing through new narrative).

David Brazil's Orphica & Economy.

Jamie Townsend's IM account & borrowed car conversations.

Emily Abendroth's work, who flips my lid.

Any English translation of Henri Meschonnic (my French stinks).

Kyle Schlesinger's print shop & all of his new books.

A hippie education at BookLab II.

Julia Drescher's Bark & Birds of Paradise, & a life engagement.

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